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ITU-T G.221 Overall recommendations relating to carrier-transmission systems
ITU-T G.222 Noise objectives for design of carrier-transmission systems of 2500 km
ITU-T G.223 Assumptions for the calculation of noise on hypothetical reference circuits for telephony
ITU-T G.224 Maximum permissible value for the absolute power level (power referred to one milliwatt) of a signalling pulse
ITU-T G.227 Conventional telephone signal
ITU-T G.226 Noise on a real link
ITU-T G.225 Recommendations relating to the accuracy of carrier frequencies
ITU-T G.228 Measurement of circuit noise in cable systems using a uniform-spectrum random noise loading
ITU-T G.229 Unwanted modulation and phase jitter
ITU-T G.230 Measurement methods for noise produced by modulating equipment and through-connection filters
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