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ITU-T D.15 General charging and accounting principles for non-voice services provided by interworking between public data networks
ITU-T D.20 Special tariff principles for the international circuit-switched public data communication services
ITU-T D.21 Special tariff principles for short transaction transmissions on the international packet switched public data networks using the fast select facility with restriction
ITU-T D.41 Introduction of accounting rates by zones in the international public telegram service
ITU-T D.42 Accounting in the international public telegram service
ITU-T D.30 Implementation of reverse charging on international public data communication services
ITU-T D.43 Partial and total refund of charges in the international public telegram service
ITU-T D.61 Charging and accounting provisions relating to the measurement of the chargeable duration of a telex call
ITU-T D.65 General charging and accounting principles in the international telex service for multi-adress messages via store-and-forward units
ITU-T D.80 Accounting and refunds for phototelegrams
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