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ITU-T I.254.2 Multiparty supplementary services : Three-Party Supplementary Service
ITU-T E.105 International telephone service
ITU-T E.140 Operator-assisted telephone service
ITU-T E.151 Telephone conference calls
ITU-T E.230 Chargeable duration of calls
ITU-T F.60 Operational provisions for the international telex service
ITU-T F.190 Operational provisions for the international facsimile service between public bureaux and subscriber stations and vice versa (bureaufax-telefax and vice versa)
ITU-T F.401 Message handling services, naming and adressing for public message handling services
ITU-T F.410 Message handling services, the public message transfer service
ITU-T F.420 Message handling services, the public interpersonal messaging service
items: 10 20 50