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AAMI/ISO 5367:2015 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Breathing sets and connectors
AAMI/ISO 8836:2015 Suction catheters for use in the respiratory tract
AAMI/ISO 23747:2015 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Peak expiratory flow meters for the assessment of pulmonary function in spontaneously breathing humans
AAMI/ISO 26782:2015 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Spirometers intended for the measurement of time forced expired volumes in humans
AAMI/IEC TIR80001-2-5:2014 Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 2-5: Application guidance - Guidance on distributed alarm systems
AAMI/IEC TIR80001-2-7:2014 Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical - Application guidance - Part 2-7: Guidance for Healthcare Delivery Organizations (HDOs) on how to self-assess their conformance with IEC 80001-1
AAMI TIR55:2014(R2017) Human factors engineering for processing medical devices
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