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NECA 402:2014 Standard for Installing and Maintaining Motor Control Centers
ANSI B 77.2:2014 Funiculars - Safety Standard
FM 4476:2014 Flexible Photovoltaic Modules
ANSI E 1.37-2:2014 Entertainment Technology - Additional Message Sets for ANSI E1.20 (RDM) -Part 2: IPv4 & DNS Configuration Messages
FM 4478:2014 Rigid Photovoltaic Modules
ANSI C136.34:2014 Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment - Vandal Shields for Roadway and Area Lighting Luminaires
FM 4920:2014 Testing Filters Used in Clean Room Facilities
ANSI A 10.24:2014 Roofing - Safety Requirements for Low-Sloped Roofs
ANSI C136.3:2014 Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting - Luminaire Attachments
ANSI C136.14:2014 Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment - Elliptically Shaped, Enclosed Side-mounted Luminaires for Horizontal-burning High-intensity Discharge Lamps
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