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ISO 21963:2020 Ships and marine technology — Marine environment protection — Tanks and piping systems for facilitating 5 ppm oil-water separation
ISO 20176:2020 Road vehicles — H-point machine (HPM-II) — Specifications and procedure for H-point determination
ISO 24016:2020 Jewellery and precious metals — Grading polished diamonds — Terminology, classification and test methods
ISO 21072-3:2020 Ships and marine technology — Marine environment protection: performance testing of oil skimmers — Part 3: High viscosity oil
ISO/DIS 23832:2020 Plastics — Test methods for determination of degradation rate and disintegration degree of plastic materials exposed to marine environmental matrices under laboratory conditions
ISO/DIS 22480-1:2020 Railway applications — Concrete sleepers and bearers for track — Part 1: General requirements
ISO/DIS 19447:2020 Passenger car tyres — Method for measuring ice grip performance — Loaded new tyres
ISO/DIS 10545-10:2020 Ceramic tiles — Part 10: Determination of moisture expansion
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