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20/30420984 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 61386-23/AA AMD AA. Conduit systems for cable management Part 23. Particular requirements. Flexible conduit
20/30420981 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 61386-22 AMD AA. Conduit Systems for cable management Part 22. Particular requirements. Pliable conduit systems
20/30423011 DC:2020 BS IEC 61196-6-1. Coaxial communication cables Part 6-1. Blank detail specification for CATV drop
20/30407347 DC:2020 BS EN 60700-2 AMD1. Thyristor valves for high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission Part 2. Terminology
20/30404282 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 60300-3-4. Dependability management Part 3-4. Application guide. Guide to the specification of dependability requirements
20/30399864 DC:2020 BS ISO 23400. Guidelines for the determination of organic carbon and nitrogen stocks and their variations in mineral soil at field scale
20/30412913 DC:2020 BS ISO/IEC 15444-16. Information technology. JPEG 2000 image coding system Part 16. Encapsulation of images into 23008-12
20/30424606 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 61755-2-1. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Connector optical interfaces Part 2-1. Connection parameters of non-dispersion unshifted single-mode physically contacting fibres. Non-angled
20/30424591 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 63163. Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules for consumer products. Design qualification and type approval
20/30424607 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 61755-2-2. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Connector optical interfaces Part 2-2. Connection parameters of dispersion unshifted single-mode physically contacting fibres. Angled
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