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PD IEC TS 62607-6-1:2020 Nanomanufacturing. Key control characteristics Graphene-based material. Volume resistivity: four probe method
BS EN ISO 20136:2020 Leather. Determination of degradability by micro-organisms
BS EN ISO 18674-4:2020 Geotechnical investigation and testing. monitoring by field instrumentation Measurement of pore water pressure: Piezometers
BS ISO 23472-1:2020 Foundry machinery. Vocabulary General
BS ISO 23132:2020 Road vehicles. Extended Vehicle (ExVe) time critical applications. General requirements, definitions and classification methodology of timeconstrained situations related to Road and ExVe Safety (RExVeS)
BS EN ISO 1524:2020 Paints, varnishes and printing inks. Determination of fineness of grind
BS EN ISO 4947:2020 Steel and cast iron. Determination of vanadium content. Potentiometric titration method
BS EN 9130:2020 Aerospace series. Quality systems. Record retention
PD CEN/TS 1519-2:2020 Plastic piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low high temperature) within the building structure. Polyethylene (PE) Guidance assessment of conformity
BS EN ISO 1628-2:2020 Plastics. Determination of the viscosity polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers Poly(vinyl chloride) resins
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