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PD IEC TS 62910:2020 Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters. Test procedure for under voltage ride-through measurements
BS EN ISO 25239-3:2020 Friction stir welding. Aluminium Qualification of welding operators
BS EN ISO 25239-4:2020 Friction stir welding. Aluminium Specification and qualification of welding procedures
BS EN ISO 25239-5:2020 Friction stir welding. Aluminium Quality and inspection requirements
20/30408370 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 21219-16. Intelligent transport systems. Traffic and travel information (TTI) via protocol exports group, generation 2 (TPEG2) Part 16. Fuel price availability (TPEG2-FPI)
BS EN ISO 11961:2018+A1:2020 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Steel drill pipe
BS EN ISO 10893-9:2011+A1:2020 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes Automated ultrasonic for the detection laminar imperfections in strip/plate used manufacture welded
BS ISO 2647:2020 Wool. Determination of percentage of medullated fibres by the projection microscope
BS EN ISO 8031:2020 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies. Determination of electrical resistance and conductivity
20/30362929 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 16000-6. Indoor air Part 6. Determination of organic compounds (VVOC, VOC, SVOC) in indoor and test chamber by active sampling on sorbent tubes, thermal desorption gas chromatography using MS or FID
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