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BS ISO 23404:2020 Information and documentation. Papers and boards used for conservation. Measurement of impact of volatiles on cellulose in paper
BS EN ISO 4625-1:2020 Binders for paints and varnishes. Determination of softening point Ring-and-ball method
20/30406971 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 63267-1. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Connector optical interfaces Part 1. Optical for multimode fibres. General guidance
20/30424528 DC:2020 BS EN 61534-21 AMD AA. Powertrack systems Part 21. Particular requirements for powertrack intended wall and ceiling mounting
20/30422209 DC:2020 PD 7974-7 AMD1. Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design buildings Part 7. Probabilistic risk assessment
20/30422051 DC:2020 BS EN 14752 AMD1. Railway applications. Bodyside entrance systems for rolling stock
BS ISO 10934:2020 Microscopes. Vocabulary for light microscopy
20/30370816 DC:2020 BS EN 61800-9-1. Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems Part 9-1. Ecodesign for systems, motor starters, electronics and their driven applications - General requirements setting energy efficiency standards equipment using the extended product approach (EPA) semi analytic model (SAM)
20/30425977 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 62386-202. Digital addressable lighting interface Part 202. Particular requirements for control gear. Self-contained emergency (device type 1)
BS ISO 15638-9:2020 Intelligent transport systems. Framework for cooperative telematics applications regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) Remote digital tachograph monitoring
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