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BS ISO 13798:2020 Ships and marine technology. Ship's mooring and towing fittings. Recessed bitts (steel plate type)
PD CEN/TS 17489-1:2020 Personal identification. Secure and interoperable European Breeder Documents Framework overview
BS EN 1789:2020 Medical vehicles and their equipment. Road ambulances
BS ISO 23115:2020 Ships and marine technology. Ship's mooring and towing fittings. Seats for mooring chocks
BS ISO 13776:2020 Ships and marine technology. Ship's mooring and towing fittings. Pedestal fairleads
BS EN 50367:2020 Railway applications. Fixed installations and rolling stock. Criteria to achieve technical compatibility between pantographs and overhead contact line
BS ISO 13797:2020 Ships and marine technology. Ship's mooring and towing fittings. Cruciform bollards
BS IEC 60404-8-5:2020 Magnetic materials Specifications for individual materials. Electrical steel strip and sheet with specified mechanical properties magnetic polarization
BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1Q:2020 Telecommunications and exchange between information technology systems. Requirements for local metropolitan area networks Bridges bridged
PD CEN/TR 17499:2020 Bitumen and bituminous binders. Examples for CE Marking and Declaration of Performances (DoP)
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