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20/30391737 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 6888-2. Microbiology of the food chain. Horizontal method for enumeration coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) Part 2. Technique using rabbit plasma fibrinogen agar medium
20/30393452 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 8041-2. Human response to vibration. Measuring instrumentation Part 2. Personal vibration exposure meters
20/30373001 DC:2020 BS ISO 22341. Security and resilience. Protective security. Guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design
BS EN ISO 18526-2:2020 Eye and face protection. Test methods Physical optical properties
BS ISO 24552:2020 Ergonomics. Accessible design. Accessibility of information presented on visual displays of small consumer products
20/30391711 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 19734. Eye and face protection. Guidance on selection, use and maintenance
20/30408886 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 20349-1 AMD1. Personal protective equipment. Footwear protecting against risks in foundries and welding Part 1. Requirements test methods for protection
20/30408890 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 20349-2 AMD1. Personal protective equipment. Footwear protecting against risks in foundries and welding Part 2. Requirements test methods for protection allied processes
BS EN ISO 8536-4:2020 Infusion equipment for medical use sets single use, gravity feed
20/30349565 DC:2020 BS ISO 19005-4. Document management. Electronic document file format for long-term preservation Part 4. Use of 32000-2 (PDF/A-4)
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