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PD CLC/TR 50174-99-2:2020 Information technology. Cabling installation Mitigation and protection from electrical interference
20/30383619 DC:2020 BS EN 61987-31. List of Properties (LOP) infrastructure devices for electronic data exchange Part 31. Generic structures
20/30416273 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 61967-4. Integrated circuits. Measurement of electromagnetic emissions Part 4. conducted emissions, 1 ohm/150 ohm direct coupling method
BS ISO 7211-6:2020 Textiles. Methods for analysis of woven fabrics construction Determination the mass warp and weft per unit area fabric
20/30415913 DC:2020 BS IEC 62977-3-4. Electronic displays Part 3-4. Evaluation of optical performance. High dynamic range
BS ISO 506:2020 Rubber latex, natural, concentrate. Determination of volatile fatty acid number
BS EN ISO 4254-8:2018 Agricultural machinery. Safety Solid fertilizer distributors
20/30408412 DC:2020 BS EN 15805. Particulate air filters for general ventilation. Standardised dimensions
BS EN 12390-12:2020 Testing hardened concrete Determination of the carbonation resistance concrete. Accelerated method
20/30350184 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 21856. Assistive products. General requirements and test methods
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