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20/30382624 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 22818. Textiles. Determination of SCCP and MCCP in textile products out of different matrices by use of GC-NCI-MS
BS EN ISO 17268:2020 Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection devices
20/30408403 DC:2020 BS EN 13600. Copper and copper alloys. Seamless copper tubes for electrical purposes
20/30411825 DC:2020 BS EN 15681-1 AMD1. Glass in building. Basic alumino silicate glass products Part 1. Definitions and general physical mechanical properties
20/30406580 DC:2020 BS EN ISO 1628-1. Plastics. Determination of the viscosity polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers Part 1. General principles
20/30407983 DC:2020 BS EN 1488. Building valves. Expansion groups. Tests and requirements
20/30397886 DC:2020 BS EN 203-2-2. Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-2. Specific requirements. Ovens
20/30391169 DC:2020 BS ISO 4156-2. Straight cylindrical involute splines. Metric module, side fit Part 2. Dimensions
20/30411047 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 62106-10. Radio data system (RDS). VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequency range from 64,0 MHz to 108,0 Part 10. UECP. Universal Encoder Communication Protocol (TA 1)
20/30400675 DC:2020 BS ISO/IEC 18181-1. Information technology. JPEG XL Image Coding System Part 1. Core coding system
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