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BS EN ISO 22313:2020 + Redline Tracked Changes. Security and resilience. Business continuity management systems. Guidance on the use of ISO 22301
BS ISO 20524-1:2020 Intelligent transport systems. Geographic Data Files (GDF) GDF5.1 Application independent map data shared between multiple sources
BS EN ISO 24550:2019 Ergonomics. Accessible design. Indicator lights on consumer products
BS EN ISO 8637-1:2020 Extracorporeal systems for blood purification Haemodialysers, haemodiafilters, haemofilters and haemoconcentrators
BS EN ISO 14063:2020 Environmental management. Environmental communication. Guidelines and examples
BS EN ISO 10360-5:2020 Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) Coordinate machines (CMMs) using single multiple stylus contacting probing discrete point and/or scanning mode
20/30383005 DC:2020 BS ISO 6182-1. Fire protection. Automatic sprinkler systems Part 1. Requirements and test methods for sprinklers
BS ISO 7626-5:2019 Mechanical vibration and shock. Experimental determination of mechanical mobility Measurements using impact excitation with an exciter which is not attached to the structure
BS ISO 23088:2020 Gas cylinders. Periodic inspection and testing of welded steel pressure drums. Capacities up to 1 000 l
BS ISO 11687-3:2020 Plain bearings. Pedestal plain bearings Centre flange
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