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20/30423046 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 61757-5-1. Fibre optic sensors Part 5-1. Tilt measurement. based on fibre Bragg gratings
20/30400473 DC:2020 BS EN IEC 63168-4. Cooperative multiple systems in connected home environments. AAL functional safety requirements of electronic safety-related Part 4. Production, operation, modification and supporting process
20/30414423 DC:2020 BS IEC 63182-4. Magnetic powder cores. guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities Part 4. Block-cores
20/30414427 DC:2020 BS IEC 63182-5. Magnetic powder cores. Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities Part 5. Cylinder-cores
18/30375519 DC:2020 BS EN 15947-2. Pyrotechnic articles. Fireworks, Categories F1, F2 and F3 Part 2. types of firework
PD CEN/TS 13103-2:2020 Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies Design method for axles with internal journals
BS ISO 20242-5:2020 Industrial automation systems and integration. Service interface for testing applications Application program service
BS ISO 14016:2020 Environmental management. Guidelines on the assurance of environmental reports
BS EN IEC 61968-1:2020 Application integration at electric utilities. System interfaces for distribution management Interface architecture and general recommendations
BS EN ISO 22744-1:2020 Textiles and textile products. Determination of organotin compounds Derivatisation method using gas chromatography
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