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Control of casting manufacturing processes

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This Standard defines the requirements for manufacturing of metal cast components with processspecific minimum control plan expectations which include the process characteristics, measuring systems, control points/methods, product testing and and best practices for casting manufacturing processes and related product testing.

The objective of this Standard is to define the requirements and to encourage Best Practices which will assure a quality part as well as promoting continuous improvement relative to quality and productivity including:

A. Drive elimination of systemic casting failure modes.

B. Provide a close-loop lessons learned repository.

C. Ensure manufacturing feasibility of the process to meet product specifications per GPDS timing.

D. Create global common casting manufacturing site assessment tool.

E. Deliver robust control plans to assure the process is in control with proper reactions plans to minimize variability.

The application of this Standard is:

A. All casting supplier within the Ford supply base shall meet the process requirements of this standard.

B. Identifying focus areas of improvement for existing casting suppliers

C. Utilizing advanced engineering and manufacturing process development computer aided engineering

D. Qualifying casting suppliers using the specific casting controls checklist

E. Defining the casting controls plan expectations which include the process characteristics, measuring systems, control points/methods, product testing and sharing best practices.

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